
For this artwork I wanted to create something that reminded me of the importance of living everything with love. At any time, life could end, but the love we passed on will remain forever.

The backpack like home, like culture that creates heavy barriers so as to take you to the bottom of the sea. Women who intervene to help others by saving as many children as possible from an uncertain future, even if I would lose him.

I thank the women in my life who have saved me from death several times.

Technical features

Structure: steel frame with reinforcements
Material for the form: clay and plaster for the filling material
Finish: compacting glue and white acrylic
Frame in acrylic painted wood

Size: height 34 cm – width 32 cm – depth 23 cm
Weight: 4 Kg
Mediums: Sculptur
Materials: Plaster, iron, Wood

Instagram Image by @lucabrogi_lasuertesiempre
Facebook Image by @Luca Brogi Fotografo
My art gallery on Saatchi Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA Monica, CA 90404, USA