MODERN PAINTING Author’s photo on canvas for furniture – Abstract Art
Print on canvas or print and mounted on wooden frame
Contemporary Furniture
Production times 5/7 days
Delivery times depending of the delivery areas
The items we offer have been tested in trusted “sample” activities. This way we are sure to offer you tested products.
It is essential that items are tested for material safety, to ensure personal health and environmental safety. The materials we use are analyzed by specialized institutes before being put into production, so as to proceed with the creation of certified items that are not dangerous to health.
Shipping worldwide
La scuola di fotografia e cinema Le Dame
Schools Le Dame – Lucca – No-profit associazione culturale
“LE DAME SCHOOLS” è uno studio multidisciplinare di fotografia, design, video, stampe artistiche, dipinti, installazioni e sculture.
Instagram @lucabrogi_lasuertesiempre
Facebook @Luca Brogi Photographer
Saatchi Art Gallery Santa Monica, CA 90404, USA
Luca Brogi Lucca Italia